Experimental configuration settings

Both self-hosted and Cloud admins can access the following configuration settings in the System Console. Self-hosted admins can also edit the config.json file as described in the following tables.

Experimental System Console configuration settings

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Access the following experimental configuration settings in the System Console by going to Experimental > Features.

AD/LDAP login button color

Specify the color of the AD/LDAP login button for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonColor": "" with string input.

AD/LDAP login button border color


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Specify the color of the AD/LDAP login button border for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonBorderColor": "" with string input.

AD/LDAP login button text color


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Specify the color of the AD/LDAP login button text for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonTextColor": "" with string input.

Change authentication method


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

True: Users can change their sign-in method to any that is enabled on the server, either via their Profile or the APIs.

False: Users cannot change their sign-in method, regardless of which authentication options are enabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalEnableAuthenticationTransfer": true with options true and false.

Email batching buffer size

Specify the maximum number of notifications batched into a single email.

This feature’s config.json setting is EmailBatchingBufferSize": 256 with numerical input.

Email batching interval

Specify the maximum frequency, in seconds, which the batching job checks for new notifications. Longer batching intervals will increase performance.

This feature’s config.json setting is EmailBatchingInterval": 30 with numerical input.

Email login button color

Specify the color of the email login button for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonColor": "" with string input.

Email login button border color

Specify the color of the email login button border for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonBorderColor": "" with string input.

Email login button text color

Specify the color of the email login button text for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonTextColor": "" with string input.

Enable account deactivation

True: Ability for users to deactivate their own account from Settings > Advanced. If a user deactivates their own account, they will get an email notification confirming they were deactivated.

False: Ability for users to deactivate their own account is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableUserDeactivation": false with options true and false.

Enable automatic replies

True: Users can enable Automatic Replies in Settings > Notifications. Users set a custom message that will be automatically sent in response to Direct Messages.

False: Disables the Automatic Direct Message Replies feature and hides it from Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalEnableAutomaticReplies": false with options true and false.

Enable channel viewed websocket messages

This setting determines whether channel_viewed WebSocket events are sent, which synchronize unread notifications across clients and devices. Disabling the setting in larger deployments may improve server performance.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableChannelViewedMessages": true with options true and false.

Enable default channel leave/join system messages

This setting determines whether team leave/join system messages are posted in the default town-square channel.

True: Enables leave/join system messages in the default town-square channel.

False: Disables leave/join messages from the default town-square channel. These system messages won’t be added to the database either.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalEnableDefaultChannelLeaveJoinMessages": true with options true and false.

Enable hardened mode

True: Enables a hardened mode for Mattermost that makes user experience trade-offs in the interest of security.

False: Disables hardened mode.

Changes made when hardened mode is enabled:

  • Failed login returns a generic error message instead of a specific message for username and password.

  • If multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled, the route to check if a user has MFA enabled always returns true. This causes the MFA input screen to appear even if the user does not have MFA enabled. The user may enter any value to pass the screen. Note that hardened mode does not affect user experience when MFA is enforced.

  • Password reset does not inform the user that they can not reset their SSO account through Mattermost and instead claims to have sent the password reset email.

  • Mattermost sanitizes all 500 errors before returned to the client. Use the supplied request_id to match user facing errors with the server logs.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalEnableHardenedMode": false with options true and false.

Enable preview features

True: Preview features can be enabled from Settings > Advanced > Preview Pre-release features.

False: Disables and hides preview features from Settings > Advanced > Preview Pre-release features.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnablePreviewFeatures": true with options true and false.

Enable theme selection


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E10 and E20

True: Enables the Display > Theme tab in Settings so users can select their theme.

False: Users cannot select a different theme. The Display > Theme tab is hidden in Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableThemeSelection": true with options true and false.

Allow custom themes


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E10 and E20

True: Enables the Display > Theme > Custom Theme section in Settings.

False: Users cannot use a custom theme. The Display > Theme > Custom Theme section is hidden in Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AllowCustomThemes": true with options true and false.

Default theme


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E10 and E20

Set a default theme that applies to all new users on the system.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DefaultTheme": "default" with options "default", "organization", "mattermostDark", and "windows10".

Enable tutorial

True: Users are prompted with a tutorial when they open Mattermost for the first time after account creation.

False: The tutorial is disabled. Users are placed in Town Square when they open Mattermost for the first time after account creation.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableTutorial": true with options true and false.

Enable onboarding

True: New Mattermost users are shown key tasks to complete as part of initial onboarding.

False: User onboarding tasks are disabled. Users are placed in Town Square when they open Mattermost for the first time after account creation.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableOnboarding": true with options true and false.

Enable user typing messages

This setting determines whether “user is typing…” messages are displayed below the message box. Disabling the setting in larger deployments may improve server performance.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableUserTypingMessages": true with options true and false.

User typing timeout

This setting defines how frequently “user is typing…” messages are updated, measured in milliseconds.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TimeBetweenUserTypingUpdatesMilliseconds": 5000 with numerical input.

Primary team

The primary team of which users on the server are members. When a primary team is set, the options to join other teams or leave the primary team are disabled.

If the team URL of the primary team is https://example.mattermost.com/myteam/, then set the value to myteam in config.json.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalPrimaryTeam": "" with string input.

SAML login button color


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

Specify the color of the SAML login button for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonColor": "" with string input.

SAML login button border color


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

Specify the color of the SAML login button border for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonBorderColor": "" with string input.

SAML login button text color


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

Specify the color of the SAML login button text for white labeling purposes. Use a hex code with a #-sign before the code. This setting only applies to the mobile app.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonTextColor": "" with string input.

Use channel name in email notifications

True: Channel and team name appears in email notification subject lines. Useful for servers using only one team.

False: Only team name appears in email notification subject line.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UseChannelInEmailNotifications": false with options true and false.

User status away timeout

This setting defines the number of seconds after which the user’s status indicator changes to “Away”, when they are away from Mattermost.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UserStatusAwayTimeout": 300 with numerical input.

Enable shared channels


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

Shared channels enables the ability to establish secure connections between Mattermost instances, and invite secured connections to shared channels where secure connections can participate as they would in any public and private channel. Enabling shared channels functionality requires a server restart.

This feature’s two config.json settings include "ExperimentalSettings:EnableSharedChannels": false with options true or false, and "ExperimentalSettings:EnableRemoteClusterService": false with options true or false.


  • Both configuration settings must be enabled in order to share channels with secure connections. Only the Enable Shared Channels configuration option is available through the System Console.

  • System Admins for Cloud deployments can submit a request to have the EnableRemoteClusterService configuration setting enabled in their Cloud instance.

Enable app bar

This setting enables the Apps Bar and moves all Mattermost integration icons from the channel header to a vertical pane on the far right side of the screen.


Integrations currently registered to the channel header will move to the Apps Bar automatically; however, we strongly encourage Mattermost integrators to update their integrations to provide the best user experience. See the channel header plugin changes user forum discussion for details on how to register integrations with the Apps Bar.

True: (Default for Cloud deployments) All integration icons in the channel header move to the Apps Bar with the exception of the calls beta feature.

False: (Default for self-hosted deployments) All integration icons in the channel header display in the channel header.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalSettings.EnableAppBar": false with options true and false.

Allow synchronized drafts

This setting synchronizes draft messages across all supported Mattermost clients.

True: (Default) Message drafts are saved on the server and may be accessed from different clients. Users may still disable server synchronization of draft messages by going to Settings > Advanced Settings.

False: Draft messages are only stored locally on each user’s device.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ServiceSettings.AllowSyncedDrafts": true with options true and false.

Patch React DOM used by plugins

This setting enables the patching of the React DOM library when loading web app plugins so that the plugin uses the version matching the web app. This should only be needed temporarily after upgrading to Mattermost v7.7 for plugins that have not been updated yet. Changes to this setting require a server restart before taking effect.

See the Important Upgrade Notes for more information.

True: Web app plugins that package their own version of React DOM are patched to instead use the version of React DOM provided by the web app.

False: Web app plugins are loaded as normal.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PatchPluginsReactDOM": false with options true and false.

Experimental Bleve configuration settings

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img self-hosted deployments

Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Experimental > Bleve, or by editing the config.json file as described in the following tables:

Enable Bleve indexing

True: The indexing of new posts occurs automatically. Search queries will not use bleve search until Enable Bleve for search queries is enabled.

False: The indexing of new posts does not occur automatically.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableIndexing": false with options true and false.

Index directory

Directory path to use for storing bleve indexes.


The bleve index directory path isn’t required to exist within the mattermost directory. When it exists outside of the mattermost directory, no additional steps are needed to preserve or reindex these files as part of a Mattermost upgrade. See our Upgrading Mattermost Server documentation for details.

This feature’s config.json setting is "IndexDir": "" with string input.

Bulk index now

Select Index Now to index all users, channels, and posts in the database from oldest to newest. Bleve is available during indexing, but search results may be incomplete until the indexing job is complete.

You can configure the maximum time window used for a batch of posts being indexed. See the Bulk Indexing Time Window Seconds documentation for details.

Purge indexes

Select Purge Index to remove the contents of the Bleve index directory. Search results may be incomplete until a bulk index of the existing database is rebuilt.

Enable Bleve for search queries

True: Search queries will use bleve search.

False: Search queries will not use bleve search.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableSearching": false with options true and false.

Enable Bleve for autocomplete queries

True: Autocomplete queries will use bleve search.

False: Autocomplete queries will not use bleve search.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableAutocomplete": false with options true and false.

Experimental configuration settings for self-hosted deployments only

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img self-hosted deployments

Access the following self-hosted configuration settings by editing the config.json file as described in the following tables. These configuration settings are not accessible through the System Console.


Each configuration value below includes a JSON path to access the value programmatically in the config.json file using a JSON-aware tool. For example, the SiteURL value is under ServiceSettings.

  • If using a tool such as jq, you’d enter: cat config/config.json | jq '.ServiceSettings.SiteURL'

  • When working with the config.json file manually, look for the key ServiceSettings, then within that object, find the key SiteURL.

Allowed themes


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E10 and E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Select the themes that can be chosen by users when EnableThemeSelection is set to true.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AllowedThemes": [] with string array input consisting of the options "default", "organization", "mattermostDark", and "windows10", such as ["mattermostDark", "windows10"].

Maximum users for statistics


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E10 and E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Sets the maximum number of users on the server before statistics for total posts, total hashtag posts, total file posts, posts per day, and active users with posts per day are disabled.

This setting is used to maximize performance for large Enterprise deployments.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxUsersForStatistics": 2500 with numerical input.

Latest Android version

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The latest version of the Android React Native app that is recommended for use.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AndroidLatestVersion": "" with string input corresponding to a version string, such as "1.2.0".

Minimum Android version

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The minimum version of the Android React Native app that is required to be used.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AndroidMinVersion": "" with string input corresponding to a version string, such as "1.2.0".

Latest iOS version

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The latest version of the iOS app that is recommended for use.

This feature’s config.json setting is "IosLatestVersion": "" with string input corresponding to a version string, such as "1.2.0".

Minimum iOS version

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The minimum version of the iOS React Native app that is required to be used.

This feature’s config.json setting is "IosMinVersion": "" with string input corresponding to a version string, such as "1.2.0".

Batch size


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Determines how many new posts are batched together to a compliance export file.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BatchSize": 10000 with numerical input.

File Location


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Set the file location of the compliance exports. By default, they are written to the exports subdirectory of the configured Local Storage directory.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileLocation": "export" with string input.

Push notification buffer

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Used to control the buffer of outstanding Push Notification messages to be sent. If the number of messages exceeds that number, then the request making the Push Notification will be blocked until there’s room.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PushNotificationBuffer": 1000" with numerical input.

Disable inactive server email notifications

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This configuration setting disables the ability to send inactivity email notifications to Mattermost System Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableInactivityEmail": true with options true and false.

File configuration options

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Enable this setting to write audit files locally, specifying size, backup interval, compression, maximum age to manage file rotation, and timestamps.

True: File output is enabled.

False: File output is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileEnabled": false with options true and false.

File name

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This is the path to the output file location.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileName": "" with string input consisting of a user-defined path (e.g. /var/log/mattermost_audit.log).

File max size MB

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This is the maximum size (measured in megabytes) that the file can grow before triggering rotation. The default setting is 100.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileMaxSizeMB": 100 with numerical input.

File max age days

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This is the maximum age in days a file can reach before triggering rotation. The default value is 0, indicating no limit on the age.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileMaxAgeDays": 0 with numerical input.

File max backups

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This is the maximum number of rotated files kept; the oldest is deleted first. The default value is 0, indicating no limit on the number of backups.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileMaxBackups": 0 with numerical input.

File compress

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

When true, rotated files are compressed using gzip.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileCompress": false with options true and false.

File max queue size

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This setting determines how many audit records can be queued/buffered at any point in time when writing to a file. The default is 1000 records. This setting can be left as default unless you are seeing audit write failures in the server log and need to adjust the number accordingly.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileMaxQueueSize": 1000 with numerical input.

Syslog configuration options

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Enable this setting to write audit records to a local or remote syslog, specifying the IP, port, user-generated fields, and certificate settings.

True: Syslog output is enabled.

False: Syslog output is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SysLogEnabled": false with options true and false.

Syslog IP

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The IP address or domain of the syslog server. Use localhost for local syslog.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SysLogIP": "localhost" with string input consisting of an IP address or domain name.

Syslog port

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The port that the syslog server is listening on. The default port is 6514.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SysLogPort": 6514 with numeric input consisting of a port number.

Syslog tag

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The syslog metadata tag field.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SysLogTag": "" with string input consisting of a user-defined tag field.

Syslog cert

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This is the path to the syslog server certificate for TLS connections (.crt or .pem).

This feature’s config.json setting is "SysLogCert": "" with string input consisting of the path to the certificate.

Syslog insecure

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This setting controls whether a client verifies the server’s certificate chain and host name. If true, TLS accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. In this mode, TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.


This should be used only for testing and not in a production environment.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SysLogInsecure": false with options true and false.

Syslog max queue size

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This setting determines how many audit records can be queued/buffered at any point in time when writing to syslog. The default is 1000 records. This setting can be left as default unless you are seeing audit write failures in the server log and need to adjust the number accordingly.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SysLogMaxQueueSize": 1000 with numerical input.

Restrict system admin

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: (Default for Cloud deployments) Restricts the System Admin from viewing and modifying a subset of server configuration settings from the System Console. Not recommended for use in on-prem installations. This is intended to support Mattermost Private Cloud in giving the System Admin role to users but restricting certain actions only for Cloud Admins.

False: (Default for self-host deployments) No restrictions are applied to the System Admin role.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictSystemAdmin": "false" with options true and false.

Remote clusters


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Enable this setting to add, remove, and view remote clusters for shared channels.

True: System Admins can manage remote clusters using the System Console.

False: Remote cluster management is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RemoteClusters": false with options true and false.

Enable client-side certification


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

True: Enables client-side certification for your Mattermost server. See the documentation to learn more.

False: Client-side certification is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ClientSideCertEnable": false with options true and false.

Client-side certification login method


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

Used in combination with the ClientSideCertEnable configuration setting.

Primary: After the client side certificate is verified, user’s email is retrieved from the certificate and is used to log in without a password.

Secondary: After the client side certificate is verified, user’s email is retrieved from the certificate and matched against the one supplied by the user. If they match, the user logs in with regular email/password credentials.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ClientSideCertCheck": "secondary" with options "primary" and "secondary".

Export output directory

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The directory where the exported files are stored. The path is relative to the FileSettings directory. By default, exports are stored under ./data/export.

This feature’s config.json setting under the ExportSettings section is Directory: ./export with string input.

Export retention days

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The number of days to retain the exported files before deleting them.

This feature’s config.json setting under the ExportSettings section is RetentionDays: 30 with numerical input.

Maximum image resolution

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Maximum image resolution size for message attachments in pixels.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxImageResolution": 33177600 with numerical input.

Maximum image decoder concurrency

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Indicates how many images can be decoded concurrently at once. The default value of -1 configures Mattermost to automatically use the number of CPUs present.


This configuration setting affects the total memory consumption of the server. The maximum memory of a single image is dictated by MaxImageResolution * 24 bytes Therefore, a good rule of thumb to follow is that MaxImageResolution* MaxImageDecoderConcurrency * 24 should be less than the allocated memory for image decoding.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxImageDecoderConcurrency": "-1" with numerical input.

Initial font

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Font used in auto-generated profile pics with colored backgrounds.

This feature’s config.json setting is "InitialFont": "luximbi.ttf" with string input.

Amazon S3 signature v2

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

By default, Mattermost uses Signature V4 to sign API calls to AWS, but under some circumstances, V2 is required. For more information about when to use V2, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-2.html.

True: Use Signature Version 2 Signing Process.

False: Use Signature Version 4 Signing Process.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3SignV2": false with options true and false.

Amazon S3 path

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Allows using the same S3 bucket for multiple deployments.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3PathPrefix: "" with string input.

GitLab scope

Not available in Cloud Free

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Standard setting for OAuth to determine the scope of information shared with OAuth client. Not currently supported by GitLab OAuth.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Scope": "" with string input.

Global relay SMTP server timeout


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

Available as an add-on to legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The number of seconds that can elapse before the connection attempt to the SMTP server is abandoned. The default value is 1800 seconds. This setting is currently not available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This feature’s config.json setting is "GlobalRelaySettings.SMTPServerTimeout": "1800" with numerical input.

Google scope


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Standard setting for OAuth to determine the scope of information shared with OAuth client. Recommended setting is profile email.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Scope": "profile email" with string input.

Import input directory

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The directory where the imported files are stored. The path is relative to the FileSettings directory. By default, imports are stored under ./data/import.

This feature’s config.json setting under the ImportSettings section is Directory: ./import with string input.

Import retention days

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The number of days to retain the imported files before deleting them.

This feature’s config.json setting under the ImportSettings section is RetentionDays: 30 with numerical input.

Export from timestamp


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Set the Unix timestamp (seconds since epoch, UTC) to export data from.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExportFromTimestamp": 0 with numerical input.

Block profile rate

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json. Changes to this setting require a server restart before taking effect.

Value that controls the fraction of goroutine blocking events reported in the blocking profile.

The profiler aims to sample an average of one blocking event per rate nanoseconds spent blocked.

To include every blocking event in the profile, set the rate to 1. To turn off profiling entirely, set the rate to 0.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BlockProfileRate": 0 with options 0 and 1.

App custom URL schemes

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Define valid custom URL schemes for redirect links provided by custom-built mobile Mattermost apps. This ensures users are redirected to the custom-built mobile app and not Mattermost’s mobile client.

When configured, after OAuth or SAML user authentication is complete, custom URL schemes sent by mobile clients are validated to ensure they don’t include default schemes such as http or https. Mobile users are then redirected back to the mobile app using the custom scheme URL provided by the mobile client. We recommend that you update your mobile client values as well with valid custom URL schemes.

This feature’s config.json setting is "NativeAppSettings.AppCustomURLSchemes" with an array of strings as input. For example: [custom-app://, some-app://].

Office 365 Scope


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Standard setting for OAuth to determine the scope of information shared with OAuth client. Recommended setting is User.Read.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Scope": "User.Read" with string input.

Enable plugin uploads

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: Enables plugin uploads by System Admins at Plugins > Management. If you do not plan to upload a plugin, set to false to control which plugins are installed on your server. See documentation to learn more.

False: Disables plugin uploads on your Mattermost server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableUploads": false with options true and false.

Allow insecure download URL

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: Enables downloading and installing a plugin from a remote URL.

False: Disables downloading and installing a plugin from a remote URL.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AllowInsecureDownloadUrl": false with options true and false.

Enable plugin health check

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: Enables plugin health check to ensure all plugins are periodically monitored, and restarted or deactivated based on their health status. The health check runs every 30 seconds. If the plugin is detected to fail 3 times within an hour, the Mattermost server attempts to restart it. If the restart fails 3 successive times, it’s automatically disabled.

False: Disables plugin health check on your Mattermost server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableHealthCheck": true with options true and false.

Plugin directory

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The location of the plugin files. If blank, they are stored in the ./plugins directory. The path that you set must exist and Mattermost must have write permissions in it.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Directory": "./plugins" with string input.

Client plugin directory

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The location of client plugin files. If blank, they are stored in the ./client/plugins directory. The path that you set must exist and Mattermost must have write permissions in it.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ClientDirectory": "./client/plugins" with string input.

Scoping IDP provider ID


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Allows an authenticated user to skip the initial login page of their federated Azure AD server, and only require a password to log in.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ScopingIDPProviderId": "" with string input.

Scoping IDP provider name


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Adds the name associated with a user’s Scoping Identity Provider ID.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ScopingIDPName": "" with string input.

Group unread channels

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This setting applies to the new sidebar only. You must disable the Enable Legacy Sidebar configuration setting to see and enable this functionality in the System Console.

Default Off: Disables the unread channels sidebar section for all users by default. Users can enable it in Settings > Sidebar > Group unread channels separately.

Default On: Enables the unread channels sidebar section for all users by default. Users can disable it in Settings > Sidebar > Group unread channels separately.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalGroupUnreadChannels": "default_off" with options "default_off" and "default_on".

Strict CSRF token enforcement

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: Enables CSRF protection tokens for additional hardening compared to the currently used custom header. When the user logs in, an additional cookie is created with the CSRF token contained.

False: Disables CSRF protection tokens.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalStrictCSRFEnforcement": false with options true and false.

Custom user groups


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This configuration setting controls the ability for users to create custom user groups. This configuration setting is enabled by default for both self-hosted and Cloud deployments, but can only be disabled in self-hosted deployments.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableCustomGroups": true with options true and false.

Developer flags

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

This configuration setting specifies a list of strings where each string is a flag used to set the content security policy (CSP) for the Mattermost Web App. Each flag must be in the format flag=true (e.g. unsafe-eval=true,unsafe-inline=true). Not recommended for production environments.

The following values are currently supported:

  • unsafe-eval: Adds the unsafe-eval CSP directive to the root webapp, allowing increased debugging in developer environments.

  • unsafe-inline: Adds the unsafe-inline CSP directive to the root webapp, allowing increased debugging in developer environments.

This configuration setting is disabled by default and requires developer mode to be enabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DeveloperFlags": "" with string input.

Enable post search

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

If this setting is enabled, users can search messages. Disabling search can result in a performance increase, but users get an error message when they attempt to use the search box.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnablePostSearch": true with options true and false.

Enable user status updates

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Turn status updates off to improve performance. When status updates are off, users appear online only for brief periods when posting a message, and only to members of the channel in which the message is posted.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableUserStatuses": true with options true and false.

Websocket secure port

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json. Changes to this setting require a server restart before taking effect.

(Optional) This setting defines the port on which the secured WebSocket will listen using the wss protocol. Defaults to 443. When the client attempts to make a WebSocket connection it first checks to see if the page is loaded with HTTPS. If so, it will use the secure WebSocket connection. If not, it will use the unsecure WebSocket connection. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENTS ONLY OPERATE UNDER HTTPS AND WSS.

This feature’s config.json setting is "WebsocketSecurePort": 443 with numerical input.

Websocket port

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json. Changes to this setting require a server restart before taking effect.

(Optional) This setting defines the port on which the unsecured WebSocket will listen using the ws protocol. Defaults to 80. When the client attempts to make a WebSocket connection it first checks to see if the page is loaded with HTTPS. If so, it will use the secure WebSocket connection. If not, it will use the unsecure WebSocket connection. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENTS ONLY OPERATE UNDER HTTPS AND WSS.

This feature’s config.json setting is WebsocketPort": 80 with numerical input.

Enable API team deletion

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: The api/v4/teams/{teamid}?permanent=true API endpoint can be called by Team and System Admins to permanently delete a team.

False: The API endpoint cannot be called. Note that api/v4/teams/{teamid} can still be used to soft delete a team.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableAPITeamDeletion": false with options true and false.

Enable API user deletion

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: The api/v4/users/{userid}?permanent=true API endpoint can be called by System Admins, or users with appropriate permissions, to permanently delete a user.

False: The API endpoint cannot be called. Note that api/v4/users/{userid} can still be used to soft delete a user.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableAPIUserDeletion": false with options true and false.

Enable API channel deletion

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: The api/v4/channels/{channelid}?permanent=true API endpoint can be called by System Admins, or users with appropriate permissions, to permanently delete a channel.

False: The API endpoint cannot be called. Note that api/v4/channels/{channelid} can still be used to soft delete a channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableAPIChannelDeletion": false with options true and false.

Enable OpenTracing

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: A Jaeger client is instantiated and is used to trace each HTTP request as it goes through App and Store layers. Context is added to App and Store and is passed down the layer chain to create OpenTracing ‘spans’.

By default, in order to avoid leaking sensitive information, no method parameters are reported to OpenTracing. Only the name of the method is reported.

False: OpenTracing is not enabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableOpenTracing": false with options true and false.

Enable local mode for mmctl

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: Enables local mode for mmctl.

False: Prevents local mode for mmctl.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableLocalMode": false with options true and false.


When trying to use local mode with mmctl, ensure you’re using the same user when running the server and mmctl, or clean up the socket file before switching to a new user. If you encounter an error like socket file "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket" doesn't exists, please check the server configuration for local mode, this can be resolved by setting this configuration setting to true.

Enable local mode socket location

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

The path for the socket that the server will create for mmctl to connect and communicate through local mode. If the default value for this key is changed, you will need to point mmctl to the new socket path when in local mode, using the --local-socket-path /new/path/to/socket flag in addition to the --local flag.

If nothing is specified, the default path that both the server and mmctl assumes is /var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LocalModeSocketLocation": "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket" with string input.

Default channels

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Default channels every user is added to automatically after joining a new team. Only applies to Public channels, but affects all teams on the server.

When not set, every user is added to the off-topic and town-square channels by default.


Even if town-square is not listed, every user is added to that channel after joining a new team.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalDefaultChannels": [] with string array input consisting of channel names, such as ["announcement", "developers"].

Experimental job configuration settings

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img self-hosted deployments

Settings to configure how Mattermost schedules and completes periodic tasks such as the deletion of old posts with Data Retention enabled or indexing posts with Elasticsearch. These settings control which Mattermost servers are designated as a Scheduler, a server that queues the tasks at the correct times, and as a Worker, a server that completes the given tasks.

When running Mattermost on a single machine, both RunJobs and RunScheduler should be enabled. Without both of these enabled, Mattermost will not function properly.

When running Mattermost in High Availability mode, RunJobs should be enabled on one or more servers while RunScheduler should be enabled on all servers under normal circumstances. A High Availability cluster will have one Scheduler and one or more Workers. See the below sections for more information.

Run jobs

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Set whether or not this Mattermost server will handle tasks created by the Scheduler. When running Mattermost on a single machine, this setting should always be enabled.

When running Mattermost in High Availablity mode, one or more servers should have this setting enabled. We recommend that your High Availability cluster has one or more dedicated Workers with this setting enabled while the remaining Mattermost app servers have it disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RunJobs": true with options true and false.

Run scheduler

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Set whether or not this Mattermost server will schedule tasks that will be completed by a Worker. When running Mattermost on a single machine, this setting should always be enabled.

When running Mattermost in High Availablity mode, this setting should always be enabled. In a High Availability cluster, exactly one of the servers will be designated as the Scheduler at a time to ensure that duplicate tasks aren’t created. See High Availability documentation for more details.


We strongly recommend that you not change this setting from the default setting of true as this prevents the ClusterLeader from being able to run the scheduler. As a result, recurring jobs such as LDAP sync, Compliance Export, and data retention will no longer be scheduled. In previous Mattermost Server versions, and this documentation, the instructions stated to run the Job Server with RunScheduler: false. The cluster design has evolved and this is no longer the case.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RunScheduler": true with options true and false.

Clean Up old database jobs

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Defines the threshold in days beyond which older completed database jobs are removed. This setting applies to both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, is disabled by default, and must be set to a value greater than or equal to 0 to be enabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "JobSettings.CleanupJobsThresholdDays": -1 with numerical input.

Clean up outdated database entries

This setting only applies to configuration in the database. It isn’t available in the System Console and can be set via mmctl or changed in the database.

Defines the threshold in days beyond which outdated configurations are removed from the database. This setting applies to both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

This feature’s config.json setting is "JobSettings.CleanupConfigThresholdDays": 30 with numerical input.