Share links to messages
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
You can share links to Mattermost messages with other Mattermost users. Sharing message links displays a preview of the message in the post. The timestamp next to the username of any message also functions as a permanent link to that conversation.
Message previews respect channel membership permissions, so they’re only visible to users who have access to the original message. If the link is to a message in a public channel, any member of the team can see the message preview. If the link is to a message in a private channel or direct message, only members in that channel can see the message preview.
To share links to messages in Mattermost, select the More icon next to a message, then select Copy Link.
![When you hover over messages, you can access more message options from the More icon.](../_images/message-more.png)
![You can share links to messages with others using the More option.](../_images/copy-link.png)
Paste the link into a message to share the image link with others. Sharing links to messages generates a preview of the message.
![Mattermost generates previews of links shared in Channels.](../_images/permalink-previews.png)
You can also hover over an image and select the
icon in the top right corner.
The timestamp next to the username of any message is also a permanent link to that conversation.
Long press a message, and then tap Copy Link to copy the link to the clipboard. Long press to paste the link as a message or reply. Sharing links to messages generates a preview of the message.