Deprecated configuration settings

The following Mattermost configuration settings are deprecated and are no longer supported in current Mattermost releases:

Bleve settings

Bulk Indexing Time Window Seconds

Removed in May 16, 2022 release

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Determines the maximum time window for a batch of posts being indexed by the Bulk Indexer. This setting serves as a performance optimization for installs with over ~10 million posts in the database. You can approximate this value based on the average number of seconds for 2,000 posts to be added to the database on a typical day in production. Setting this value too low will cause bulk indexing jobs to run slowly.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds": 3600 with numerical input.

Elasticsearch settings

Bulk Indexing Time Window

Removed in May 16, 2022 release

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Determines the maximum time window for a batch of posts being indexed by the Bulk Indexer. This setting serves as a performance optimization for installs with over ~10 million posts in the database. You can approximate this value based on the average number of seconds for 2,000 posts to be added to the database on a typical day in production. Setting this value too low will cause bulk indexing jobs to run slowly.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds": 3600 with numerical input.

Service settings

Enable reliable websockets

This configuration setting has been deprecated, and the ability to buffer messages during a connection loss has been promoted to general availability from Mattermost v6.3. This setting is enabled for older clients to maintain backwards compatibility.

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Enable this setting to make websocket messages more reliable by buffering messages during a connection loss and then re-transmitting all unsent messages when the connection is revived.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableReliableWebsockets": true with options true and false.

Data prefetch

Removed in February 16, 2021 release

True: Messages in all unread channels are pre-loaded from the server whenever the client reconnects to the network to eliminate loading time when users switch to unread channels.

False: Messages are fetched on-demand from the server when users switch channels.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalDataPrefetch": true with options true and false.

Segment write key

Removed in March 16, 2017 release

For deployments seeking additional tracking of system behavior using, you can enter a Segment WRITE_KEY using this field. This value works like a tracking code and is used in client-side JavaScript and will send events to attributed to the account you used to generate the WRITE_KEY.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SegmentDeveloperKey": "" with string input.

Limit access to config settings prior to login

Removed in December 16, 2018 release

Enable this setting to limit the number of config settings sent to users prior to login.

Supported for Mattermost server v5.1.0 and later, and Mattermost Mobile apps v1.10.0 and later.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalLimitClientConfig": "false" with options true and false.

Disable legacy MFA API endpoint

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Database settings

At rest encrypt key

Removed in August 23, 2018 release

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json. It’s a legacy setting used to encrypt data stored at rest in the database, and no fields are encrypted using AtRestEncryptKey.

A 32-character key for encrypting and decrypting sensitive fields in the database. When using high availability, this value must be identical in each instance of Mattermost.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AtRestEncryptKey": "" with string input.

Amazon S3 bucket endpoint

Removed in November 16th, 2016 release

Set an endpoint URL for Amazon S3 buckets.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3BucketEndpoint": "" with string input.

Amazon S3 Location Constraint

Removed in November 16th, 2016 release

True: S3 region is location constrained.

False: S3 region is not location constrained.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3LocationConstraint": false with options true and false.

Amazon S3 lowercase bucket

Removed in November 16th, 2016 release

True: S3 bucket names are fully lowercase.

False: S3 bucket names may contain uppercase and lowercase letters.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3LowercaseBucket": false with options true and false.

Users and teams settings

Enable team directory

Removed in May 16th, 2016 release

True: Teams that are configured to appear in the team directory will appear on the system main page. Teams can configure this setting from Team Settings > Include this team in the Team Directory.

False: Team directory on the system main page is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableTeamListing": false with options true and false.

Allow team admins to edit others’ posts

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Enable team creation

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

SAML 2.0 settings

Use new SAML library

Removed in December 16, 2020 release

True: Enable an updated SAML Library, which does not require the XML Security Library (xmlsec1) to be installed.

False: Continue using the existing implementation which uses the XML Security Library (xmlsec1).

This feature’s config.json setting is "UseNewSAMLLibrary": false with options true and false.

Legacy sidebar settings

Enable legacy sidebar

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Experimental sidebar features

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v5.32 and later


This experimental configuration setting has been deprecated, and the ability to organize channels in the sidebar has been promoted to general availability from Mattermost v5.32. See the Organizing Your Sidebar documentation for details on customizing the sidebar.

Disabled: Users cannot access the experimental channel sidebar feature set.

Enabled (Default On): Enables the experimental sidebar features for all users on this server. Users can disable the features in Settings > Sidebar > Experimental Sidebar Features. Features include custom collapsible channel categories, drag and drop to reorganize channels, and unread filtering.

Enabled (Default Off): Users must enable the experimental sidebar features in Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalChannelSidebarOrganization": off with options off, default_on and default_off.

Enable X to leave channels from left hand sidebar

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Autoclose direct messages in sidebar

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Town Square channel settings

Town Square is hidden in left hand sidebar

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Town Square is read-only

In Mattermost v.6.0, this feature has been deprecated in favor of channel moderation which allows you to set any channel as read-only, including Town Square.

Custom emoji settings

Restrict custom emoji creation

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Timezone settings


This configuration setting has been promoted to General Availability and is no longer configurable in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

Select the timezone used for timestamps in the user interface and email notifications.

True: The Timezone setting is visible in the Settings and a timezone is automatically assigned in the next active session.

False: The Timezone setting is hidden in the Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalTimezone": true with options true and false.

High availability settings

Inter-node listen address

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v4.0 and later

The address the Mattermost Server will listen on for inter-node communication. When setting up your network you should secure the listen address so that only machines in the cluster have access to that port. This can be done in different ways, for example, using IPsec, security groups, or routing tables.

This feature’s config.json setting is "InterNodeListenAddress": ":8075" with string input.

Inter-Node URLs

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v4.0 and later

A list of all the machines in the cluster, such as ["", ""]. It is recommended to use the internal IP addresses so all the traffic can be secured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "InterNodeUrls": [] with string array input consisting of the machines in the cluster.

REST API V3 settings

Allow use of API v3 endpoints

Removed in June 16, 2018 release

Set to false to disable all version 3 endpoints of the REST API. Integrations that rely on API v3 will fail and can then be identified for migration to API v4. API v3 is deprecated and will be removed in the near future. See for details.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableAPIv3": false with options true and false.

Integrations settings

Restrict managing integrations to Admins

Deprecated. Not used in Mattermost v6.0 and later.

True: Webhooks and slash commands can only be created, edited, and viewed by Team and System Admins, and OAuth 2.0 applications by System Admins. Integrations are available to all users after they have been created by the Admin.

False: Any team members can create webhooks, slash commands` and OAuth 2.0 applications from Product menu > Integrations.


OAuth 2.0 applications can be authorized by all users if they have the Client ID and Client Secret for an app setup on the server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations": true with options true and false.

Permission policy settings

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


Permission policy settings are available in Enterprise Edition E10 and E20. From v5.0, these settings are found in the Advanced Permissions page instead of configuration settings.

Enable sending team invites from

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Set policy on who can invite others to a team using the Send Email Invite, Get Team Invite Link, and Add Members to Team options on the product menu. If Get Team Invite Link is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from Team Settings > Invite Code after the desired users have joined the team. Options include:

All team members: Allows any team member to invite others using an email invitation, team invite link, or by adding members to the team directly.

Team and System Admins: Hides the email invitation, team invite link, and the add members to team buttons in the product menu from users who are not Team Admins or System Admins.

System Admins: Hides the email invitation, team invite link, and add members to team buttons in the product menu from users who are not System Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictTeamInvite": "all" with options "all", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Enable public channel creation for

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Restrict the permission level required to create public channels.

All team members: Allow all team members to create public channels.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict creating public channels to Team Admins and System Admins.

System Admins: Restrict creating public channels to System Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPublicChannelCreation": "all" with options "all", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Enable public channel renaming for

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Restrict the permission level required to rename and set the header or purpose for Public channels.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to rename Public channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict renaming public channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins who are members of the channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict renaming public channels to Team Admins and System Admins who are members of the channel.

System Admins: Restrict renaming public channels to System Admins who are members of the channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPublicChannelManagement": "all" with options "all", "channel_admin", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Enable public channel deletion for

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Restrict the permission level required to delete Public channels. Deleted channels can be recovered from the database using a command line tool.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to delete public channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict deleting public channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins who are members of the channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict deleting public channels to Team Admins and System Admins who are members of the channel.

System Admins: Restrict deleting public channels to System Admins who are members of the channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPublicChannelDeletion": "all" with options "all", "channel_admin", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Enable private channel creation for

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Restrict the permission level required to create private channels.

All team members: Allow all team members to create private channels.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict creating private channels to Team Admins and System Admins.

System Admins: Restrict creating private channels to System Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelCreation": "all" with options "all", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Enable private channel renaming for

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Restrict the permission level required to rename and set the header or purpose for Private channels.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to rename private channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict renaming private channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins who are members of the private channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict renaming private channels to Team Admins and System Admins who are members of the private channel.

System Admins: Restrict renaming private channels to System Admins who are members of the private channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelManagement": "all" with options "all", "channel_admin", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Enable managing of private channel members for

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Set policy on who can add and remove members from Private channels.

All team members: Allow all team members to add and remove members.

Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins: Allow only Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins to add and remove members.

Team Admins, and System Admins: Allow only Team Admins and System Admins to add and remove members.

System Admins: Allow only System Admins to add and remove members.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelManageMembers": "all" with options "all", "channel_admin", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Enable private channel deletion for

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Restrict the permission level required to delete Private channels. Deleted channels can be recovered from the database using a command line tool.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to delete private channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict deleting private channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins who are members of the Private channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict deleting private channels to Team Admins and System Admins who are members of the Private channel.

System Admins: Restrict deleting private channels to System Admins who are members of the private channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelDeletion": "all" with options "all", "channel_admin", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Allow which users to delete messages

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Restrict the permission level required to delete messages. Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins can delete messages only in channels where they are members. Messages can be deleted any time.

Message authors can delete their own messages, and Administrators can delete any message: Allow authors to delete their own messages, and allow Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins to delete any message.

Team Admins and System Admins: Allow only Team Admins and System Admins to delete messages.

System Admins: Allow only System Admins to delete messages.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPostDelete": "all" with options "all", "team_admin", and "system_admin" for the above settings, respectively.

Allow users to edit their messages

Removed in June 16, 2018 release


From v5.0 this has been replaced by advanced permissions which offers Admins a way to restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. See the Advanced Permissions documentation for more details.

Set the time limit that users have to edit their messages after posting.

Any time: Allow users to edit their messages at any time after posting.

Never: Do not allow users to edit their messages.

{n} seconds after posting: Users can edit their messages within the specified time limit after posting. The time limit is applied using the config.json setting PostEditTimeLimit described below.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AllowEditPost": "always" with options "always", "never", and "time_limit" for the above settings, respectively.

Post edit time limit

When post editing is permitted, setting this to -1 allows editing any time, and setting this to a positive integer restricts editing time in seconds. If post editing is disabled, this setting does not apply.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PostEditTimeLimit": -1 with numerical input.

Image settings

Attachment thumbnail width

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Width of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ThumbnailWidth": 120 with numerical input.

Attachment thumbnail height

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Height of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ThumbnailHeight": 100 with numerical input.

Image preview width

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Maximum width of preview image. Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PreviewWidth": 1024 with numerical input.

Image preview height

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Maximum height of preview image. Setting this value to 0 instructs Mattermost to auto-size the preview image height based on the source image aspect ratio and the preview image width. Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PreviewHeight": 0 with numerical input.

Profile picture width

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

The width to which profile pictures are resized after being uploaded via Account Settings > Profile.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ProfileWidth": 128 with numerical input.

Profile picture height

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

The height to which profile pictures are resized after being uploaded via Account Settings > Profile.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ProfileHeight": 128 with numerical input.

Experimental display settings

Supported timezones path

Removed in April 16, 2019 release

Set the path of the JSON file that lists supported timezones when ExperimentalTimezone is set to true.

The file must be in the same directory as your config.json file if you set a relative path. Defaults to timezones.json.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SupportedTimezonesPath": "timezones.json" with string input.

Other deprecated settings

Disable Post Metadata

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

True: Disabling post metadata is only recommended if you are experiencing a significant decrease in performance around channel and post load times.

False: Load channels with more accurate scroll positioning by loading post metadata.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DisablePostMetadata": false with options true and false.

Enable AD/LDAP group sync

Available in legacy Enterprise Edition E20

True: Enables AD/LDAP Group Sync configurable under User Management > Groups.

False: Disables AD/LDAP Group Sync and removes User Management > Groups from the System Console.

For more information on AD/LDAP Group Sync, please see the AD/LDAP Group Sync documentation.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ExperimentalLdapGroupSync": false with options true and false.