Work with runs#

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deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

A run is the execution of a collaborative playbook. You can start each run in a new channel or you can elect to use the same channel for multiple runs.

To access runs, select the product menu in the top-left corner of Mattermost, then select Playbooks. In the runs list, you can select a run to view more details, such as the overview and retrospective. This is an easy way to assess all the active runs to which you have access.

Follow and participate#

You don’t have to be in a run’s channel to follow the run. You can:

  • Follow: If you’re following a playbook, you won’t necessarily be added to each of the playbook’s runs but you will be added as a follower. To join a run channel, select Participate in the header of that run.

  • Participate: If you’re participating in a run it’s likely because you’re in a team or group of people who’ve been added to it. In this case, you’ll be able to follow the run in the run channel and also view the details in the list of runs in the Playbooks tab.

View run details#

When you’re in a channel with an active run, select the Toggle Run Details icon in the channel header to open the right-hand pane to view the run details. Information such as run name and description can be edited in-line, and the checklists can be collapsed and filtered based on their status.

Some run actions can be edited while the run is in progress. This increases visibility into the run’s progress and can improve accountability.

Runs and channel behavior#

When you configure your playbook, you can decide whether each run of that playbook starts in a new channel or uses the same channel. You can run multiple playbooks in the same channel, simultaneously. Each playbook in use is listed in the RHS of the run channel.

If you decide to run a playbook in a new channel, you can do this when you start the run. In the channel RHS, select Start run. Then select how you’d like it to be executed.

Send outgoing webhooks#

  1. In your run, select Toggle Run Details to open the right-hand sidebar.

  2. Select Run details.

  3. In the Run details page, scroll down to Actions.

  4. Add your webhook URLs in the field provided.
    • You can turn off this option using the toggle.

  5. Select Save.