Manage your notifications#

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Mattermost notifies you of new activity you’re directly involved in. How you’re notified depends on what Mattermost client you’re using, the type of Mattermost activity you’re being notified about, and how you prefer to be notified.

Mattermost Academy Learn about notifications

You’re in control#

You are in control of how, when, and where you’re notified of activity that matters to you based on how you prefer to work and collaborate. To access notification preferences:

  • In a web browser or the desktop app, select the Settings Use the Settings icon to customize your Mattermost user experience. icon located in the top right corner of the screen to manage your notification preferences.

  • On mobile, tap your profile picture, then tap Settings > Notifications.

See the Default notifications table below for details on customizing your notification experience based on your preferred Mattermost client.


From Mattermost v9.8, your desktop and mobile notification preferences have been combined together under Notifications. If you’re using an older Mattermost release and older Mattermost clients, you’ll find separate preferences for desktop and mobile.

Default notifications#

Mattermost notifies you of new activity, including unread activity, direct and group messages, and @mentions, keywords you’re actively watching, thread replies, and unread activity in specific channels.

The table below lists the types of notifications you can expect to see and hear in Mattermost. Select your preferred Mattermost clients to learn more about notifications for that client.

Notification Type

What it Means

Which Mattermost Clients?

Icon badge (dot)

A dot on the badge means you have unread activity in at least one channel you're a member of.

You have unread activity in at least 1 channel you’re a member of

Web, Desktop

Icon badge (number)

A numbered badge means you have at least 1 unread message, @mention, or one of your keywords has triggered a notification.

You have at least 1 unread message with an @mention, or a match to a keyword you’re watching

Web & Desktop & Mobile

Banner alert popups

Web & Desktop

Push notifications


Alert sounds

You have at least 1 unread message with an @mention, a match to a keyword you’re watching, or replies to a thread you’re following

Web, Desktop, & Mobile

Email notifications#

By default, Mattermost notifications are sent to you via email for @mentions and direct messages when you are offline or away from Mattermost for more than 5 minutes.

You can disable email notifications by going to Settings > Notifications > Email notifications and changing Immediately to Never.


Mattermost can group multiple email notifications together into a single email. If your Mattermost admin enables this feature, you’ll receive batches of notifications by email every 15 minutes, or as configured by your admin.

Missing notifications?#

Visit the Mattermost notifications Knowledge Base article for additional troubleshooting tips and tricks.