Connect Microsoft Teams Meetings to Mattermost#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Start and join voice calls, video calls, and use screen sharing with your team members in Microsoft Teams without leaving Mattermost.


Setup starts in Microsoft Azure and ends in Mattermost.

Create a Mattermost App in Azure#

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal using an admin Azure account.

  2. Navigate to App Registrations.

  3. Select New registration at the top of the page.

In Azure, create a new app registration.
  1. Fill out the form with the following values, then select Register to submit the form:

  • Name: Mattermost Microsoft Teams Meetings Plugin

  • Supported account types: Default value (Single tenant)

  • Redirect URI: https://<MM_SITE_URL>/plugins/com.mattermost.msteamsmeetings/oauth2/complete. Replace <MM_SITE_URL> with your Mattermost server’s Site URL.

In Azure, create a new app registration.
  1. Go to Certificates & secrets in the left pane.

In Azure, go to Certificates & secrets located in the left pane.
  1. Select New client secret > Add, then copy the new secret in the bottom right corner of the screen. We’ll use this value later in the Mattermost System Console.

In Azure, create a new client secret and copy the value for later.
  1. Go to API permissions in the left pane.

In Azure, go to API permissions located in the left pane.
  1. Select Add a permission and select Microsoft Graph in the right pane.

In Azure, add a permission for Microsoft Graph.
  1. Select Delegated permissions, and scroll down to select the OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite permissions. Select Add permissions to submit the form.

In Azure, select OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite permissions.
  1. Select Grant admin consent for mattermost to grant the permissions for the application.

In Azure, grant admin consent permissions for the application.

You’re all set for configuration inside of the Azure portal.

Install the Microsoft Teams Meetings integration#

  1. Log in to your Mattermost workspace as a system admin.

  2. In Mattermost, from the Product menu Navigate between Channels and collaborative playbooks using the product menu icon., select App Marketplace.

  3. Search for or scroll to MS Teams Meetings, and select Install.

  4. Once installed, select Configure. You’re taken to the System Console, directly to the MS Teams Meetings integration page, under Plugins.


From Mattermost v9.11.2 (ESR) and Mattermost Cloud v10, this plugin is pre-packaged with the Mattermost Server. If your Mattermost deployment is on a release prior to v9.11.2, download the latest plugin binary release, and upload it to your server via System Console > Plugin Management.

Enable and configure the Microsoft Teams Meetings integration in Mattermost#

  1. In Azure, copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID from the Azure portal.

In Azure, copy the Client ID and Tenant ID values.
  1. In Mattermost, go to System Console > Plugins > MS Teams Meetings to enable this integration.

  2. In Mattermost, enter the following values in the fields provided. Select Save to apply the configuration:

  • Azure - Directory (tenant) ID - Paste the Directory (tenant) ID from the Azure portal.

  • Azure - Application (client) ID - Paste the Application (client) ID from the Azure portal.

  • Azure - Application (client) Secret - Copy from the Azure portal (generated in Certificates & secrets earlier in these instructions).

Notify your teams that they can connect their Microsoft Teams Meetings accounts to Mattermost.


Users who want to use MS Teams Meetings interconnectivity must connect a Microsoft Teams Meetings account to Mattermost.

Once connected, you’ll receive direct messages from the Microsoft Teams Meetings bot in Mattermost for Microsoft Teams Meetings activity.

Connect a Microsoft Teams account to Mattermost#

Use the /mstmeetings connect slash command to connect an MS Teams account to Mattermost.

Start a call#

Start a call either by selecting the video icon in a Mattermost channel or by running the /mstmeetings start slash command. Every meeting you start creates a new meeting room in Microsoft Teams.


If you start two meetings less than 30 seconds apart you’ll be prompted to confirm that you want to create the meeting.

Disconnect a Microsoft Teams account from Mattermost#

Run the /mstmeetings disconnect slash command to disconnect a Microsoft Teams account from Mattermost.

Get help#

If you face issues while installing this integration, gather relevant information, including reproduction steps to accelerate troubleshooting. You’re welcome to open a new issue in the Mattermost for Microsoft Teams Meetings GitHub repository.