Search for messages#
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Use Mattermost search to find messages, replies, and the contents of files shared across all channels you’re a member of in your team’s conversation history. You can also search by hashtags or perform more advanced searches using search modifiers.

Search for message and files#
Search for messages
Select the Search field, select Messages, then enter your search criteria.
When message results display in the Search Results pane, select Jump to view a full message in context.
Search for files
File content search is available in Mattermost Server and in Mattermost Cloud. Select the Search field, select Files, then type your search criteria.
File contents that match on file name, or contain matching text content within supported document types, are returned in the Search Results pane. Each search result includes file name, extension, and size details, as well as details about when and where the file was originally shared.
For Mattermost Cloud workspaces, supported document file formats include PDF, PPTX, DOCX, ODT, HTML, and plain text documents. DOC and RTF file formats, as well as the contents of ZIP files, are not supported.
For Mattermost self-hosted deployments, supported document file formats include PDF, PPTX, DOCX, ODT, HTML, and plain text documents.
System admins can extend file content search support for self-hosted deployments to include:
Filter results by file type
To narrow search results further, in the Search Results pane, select the File Type Filter option, then select specific file types, such as documents, spreadsheets, or images.

Select the Channel Files icon below the channel name to access files recently shared in the current channel.

Tap the Search
icon at the bottom of the app to search for messages or files attached to messages.
To the right of search options, tap to select which team to search.
Enter your search criteria, including applicable hashtags.
Tap to apply search modifiers to your search.
To access files recently shared in a channel:
Select the
icon below the channel name to access files recently shared in that channel.
Select the channel name, select the View Info
icon, then select Files in the right pane.
Search modifiers#
You can apply search modifiers to any search to reduce the number of results returned. Select a search modifier to add it to the Search field. Supported modifiers are described below. Your search results include messages from all of your teams.

and in:
to find messages or files from specific users.For example, searching
only returns content from your direct message history with John Smith.
to find messages or files posted in specific public channels, private channels, direct messages, or group messages. You can specify channels by display name or channel ID.For example, searching
Mattermost in:town-square
only returns results in the Town Square public channel that contains the termMattermost
, while searchingMattermost in:john.doe
only returns results that contains the termMattermost
in your direct message history with John Smith.
, after:
, and on:
to find messages or files posted before a specified date.For example, searching
website before: 2018-09-01
returns messages or files containing the termwebsite
posted prior to September 1, 2018.
to find messages or files posted after a specified date.For example, searching
website after: 2018-08-01
returns messages or files containing the termwebsite
posted after August 1, 2018.
Use both
together to search in a specified date range.For example, searching
website before: 2018-09-01 after: 2018-08-01
returns all messages or files containing the termwebsite
posted between August 1, 2018 and September 1, 2018.
to find messages files posted on a specific date. Use the date picker to select a date, or type it in YYYY-MM-DD format.For example, searching
website on: 2018-09-01
returns messages or files containing the termwebsite
posted on September 1, 2018.

Use the hyphen -
symbol to exclude terms from your search results. For example, searching test -release
only returns results that include the term test
and exclude the term release
This exclusion modifier can be used in combination with other modifiers to further refine search results. For example, searching test -release -in:release-discussion -from:eric
returns all results with the term test
, excludes posts with the term release
, excludes posts made in the release-discussion
channel, and excludes messages sent in direct messages by eric
Quotation marks#
Use quotation marks " "
to return search results for exact terms. For example, searching "Mattermost website"
returns messages containing the exact phrase Mattermost website
, but doesn’t return results containing Mattermost
and website
as separate terms.
Use the asterisk *
symbol for wildcard searches that match within words. For example, searching rea*
returns messages or files containing reach
, reason
, reality
, real
, and other words starting with rea
Notes about performing Mattermost searches#
Multiple-word searches return results that contain all of your search criteria.
Search modifiers can help narrow down searches. See the search modifiers section for details.
You can search Archived channels as long as you’re a member of that channel.
If you’re unable to see messages or files in archived channels in your search results, ask your system admin if Allow users to view archived channels has been disabled under System Console > Site Configuration > Users and Teams.
To remove archived channels from your search results, you can leave the Archived channels.
Like many search engines, common words such as
, andare
(known as “stop words”), as well as two-letter and one-letter search terms, are not shown in search results because they typically return too many results. See the Technical notes about searching section below for details.IP addresses (e.g.
) don’t return results.
Technical notes about searching#
By default, Mattermost uses full text search support included in PostgreSQL. Select the product menu then select About Mattermost to see which database you’re using.
Stop words are filtered out of search results. See PostgreSQL database documentation for a full list of applicable stop words.
URLs don’t return results.
Hashtags or recent mentions of usernames containing a dash don’t return results.
Terms containing a dash return incorrect results since dashes are ignored in the search engine.
From Mattermost v7.1, search results respect the
value instead of being hardcoded to English. We recommend that Mattermost system admins review this value to ensure it’s set correctly.