Add people to your workspace

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Getting people set up with a Mattermost account is something that happens when deploying and configuring the Mattermost workspace. A Mattermost system admin can provision Mattermost users using one or more of the following methods:

Add people on demand

By default, team admins can invite people, including guests, to a Mattermost team, and all users can add existing Mattermost users to a Mattermost team or channel, unless the system admin has restricted the ability for you to do so.

  • Inviting people to a team sends an email prompting recipients to create a Mattermost account on your Mattermost workspace.

  • Adding an existing user to a team or to a channel makes those users team or channel members.


  • Add users to a channel by selecting the channel name and selecting Add Members.

  • Add groups of users to a channel by creating a custom group and @mentioning the custom group in a channel. Mattermost will prompt to you to add any users who aren’t already members of that channel.

  • Guests are restricted to only the channels you select.